The Quiet Epidemic, a powerful feature documentary directed by Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch that seeks to shine a light on the tick-borne illness Lyme Disease. For nearly the past 50 years after it was first discovered, Lyme Disease has been surrounded in medical debate and controversy. Lyme Disease has left many patients over the years, struggling to find proper diagnosis and treatment. There is an estimate of around 500,000 cases of Lyme Disease in the United States alone every year.
The Quiet Epidemic mainly centres around the story of a young girl from Brooklyn, New York and a University of Duke Scientist. The former has experienced this struggle of living with Chronic Lyme Disease while dealing with puzzling symptoms for years. In pursuit of the truth, The Quiet Epidemic delves into this divisive medical topic by looking into its complex history. It also shows how and why Lyme Disease has been kept in the shadows for decades.
In their directorial debut, Lindsay Keys and Winslow Crane-Murdoch successfully balance the various layers of the film into a cohesive documentary. The film is consistently intriguing and moves at a steady pace throughout its’ 102 minute runtime, due to the strong editing and direction. There is a wide array of great interviews and plenty of effective archival footage used in the documentary. Also, the music in the film, composed by Alex Ebert, is fantastic and really adds to the emotional effectiveness of the viewing experience.
Overall, The Quiet Epidemic is well made and informative but also deeply emotional and poignant. It is an important documentary, providing awareness about the complexities of Lyme Disease and tick-borne illness.
- Release Date: 5/2/2022