Hot Docs 2021

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Taming the Garden’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Taming the Garden’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Live of Ivanna’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Live of Ivanna’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘The New Plastic Road’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘The New Plastic Road’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of “La Madrina: The (Savage) Life of Lorine Padilla’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of “La Madrina: The (Savage) Life of Lorine Padilla’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘A Marriage’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘A Marriage’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Faith and Branko’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Faith and Branko’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Wuhan Wuhan’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Wuhan Wuhan’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘World Showcase Shorts: Look Don’t Touch’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘World Showcase Shorts: Look Don’t Touch’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Imad’s Childhood’

Hot Docs 2021: Our Review of ‘Imad’s Childhood’

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