Are You Ready To ROCK?….: Our TJFF 2022 Review of ‘Rock Camp’

Posted in Festival Coverage, Movies by - June 12, 2022
Are You Ready To ROCK?….: Our TJFF 2022 Review of ‘Rock Camp’

Rock Camp an idea that I legitimately thought was just that and was something that was only a fantasy that the one percent even really ever got to go ahead and live. Sure The Simpsons did an entire episode about this phenomenon and had The Rolling Stones do the bit. But again, I thought the yellow family was just poking fun at the idea of Rock Camp. How I was seriously mistaken though. David Fishof came up with this insane idea back in 1996 with not much success until the news started picking up on the concept and it ended up taking off. It started up as a wild idea. But it truly allowed ordinary people to live out their wildest dreams and fantasies for a few days.

The beginning of the documentary starts off with rock and roll legend Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper was on a plane one day and the guy sitting beside him was in a grey suit. The guy looked older than time itself. He then recalled thinking that his lifestyle has allowed him to be relatively stress free in comparison that guy on the plane.

Throughout the documentary we see a variety of people from all kinds of life and different struggles that they’re faced with. They get to dial it back with the likes of Roger Daltrey, Alice Cooper and more. Rock Camp is simply a good time about being able to pull back the curtain and experience the life of a rock star for a weekend while letting the everyday person join in on the fun. The documentary feels more like an ad for Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp than anything else to be frank. But it certainly is a rocking good time and provides a lot of laughs and envy throughout.

  • Release Date: 2022
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My earliest movie memory, outside of my home theatre in my basement, was going to the local Video 99 and wanting to rent ET only to be told by the shop owner it was playing down the street in theatres. My love for cinema has been alive for as long as I can honestly remember. I would frequent the cinema minutes down from my house daily. It was a second home. Movies are an escape from the everyday world, a window into the soul, a distant friend. If I’m not watching a movie, I’m probably watching a tv show, if I’m doing neither I’m asleep. Feel free to interact me at @Dubsreviews
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