TIFF 2023: Our Review of ‘Sorry/Not Sorry’

Posted in TIFF 2023 by - September 25, 2023
TIFF 2023: Our Review of ‘Sorry/Not Sorry’

Documentaries are supposed to take a very deep look into the subject they’re analyzing. They theoretically expose a world for the audience to further understand. However, when a documentary fails to do this, it can lead to something rather disappointing just like Cara Mones and Caroline Suh’s documentary, Sorry/Not Sorry. The documentary is about Louis C.K and his actions, the women he harassed, and his eventual comeback, The doc doesn’t go deep enough into any of the facts, the fallout, and his place within the current sociopolitical climate.

The documentary focuses mostly on Megan Koester and Jen Kirkman and how the Louis C.K situation affected them the most, and how their careers have altered because of it while C.K. seemingly has gone unchecked . C.K. is able to go on tour six months after the accusations went public. Jen Kirman is still performing comedy, but she was and is the target of relentless harassment for coming after Louis C.K and it’s all anyone asks her about. Meanwhile, Megan Koester retired because she tried to expose Louis C.K.

The documentary plays more like an episodic docuseries than a feature but doesn’t dig deep enough into the situation to be as scathing as it should be. What would’ve worked better would have been a VICE Dark side of Comedy special that would analyze the comedy world with a lens for what Louis C.K did and how it affected his victims.

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My earliest movie memory, outside of my home theatre in my basement, was going to the local Video 99 and wanting to rent ET only to be told by the shop owner it was playing down the street in theatres. My love for cinema has been alive for as long as I can honestly remember. I would frequent the cinema minutes down from my house daily. It was a second home. Movies are an escape from the everyday world, a window into the soul, a distant friend. If I’m not watching a movie, I’m probably watching a tv show, if I’m doing neither I’m asleep. Feel free to interact me at @Dubsreviews
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