TIFF 2023: Our Review of Bria Mack Gets a Life

Posted in TIFF 2023 by - September 11, 2023
TIFF 2023: Our Review of Bria Mack Gets a Life

Created by Sasha Leigh Henry, Bria Mack Gets a Life is a fantastic new sitcom. As the series begins, the titular Bria (Malaika Hennie-Hamadi) has just earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing. While our heroine would prefer to take time to recover from academic burnout by micro-dosing in her suburban childhood bedroom, Bria’s “self-made” mother Marie (Leslie Adlam) insists her daughter waste no time in getting a job.

Bria soon finds an entry-level role in downtown Toronto. Immediately, the twenty-something confronts the discomfort of being the only Black woman in an office rife with micro-aggressions and more overt racism. At first, Bria wonders if she can endure a workplace where a white colleague brazenly touches her hair. But strapped with student loans and excited to move into an apartment with her bestie, she opts to keep the steady pay cheque.

While Bria appears outwardly polite to her problematic colleagues, the genius of the show is Black Attack (Hannan Younis). While the protagonist is civil to the white people who call her “queen” or serve her jerk chicken in the office, the show cuts to scenes of Bria and Black Attack internally plotting revenge or strategizing to use someone’s penchant for virtue signaling against them. Particularly, Black Attack hosts a medieval-themed version of classic Game Show The Dating Game called “Pitch Ye Dick,” where men showcase their genitals in the hopes of enticing Bria to spend the evening with them. Bria Mack is a truly original show!

This post was written by
Sarah Sahagian is a feminist writer based in Toronto. Her byline has appeared in such publications as The Washington Post, Refinery29, Elle Canada, Flare, The Toronto Star, and The National Post. She is also the co-founder of The ProfessionElle Society. Sarah holds a master’s degree in Gender Studies from The London School of Economics. You can find her on Twitter, where she posts about parenting, politics, and The Bachelor.
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