Planet in Focus 2023: Our Review of ‘Biocentrics’

Posted in Festival Coverage, Movies, Planet In Focus 2023 by - October 14, 2023
Planet in Focus 2023: Our Review of ‘Biocentrics’

Since the invention of the wheel, mankind has insisted that they prove their worth through their ability to dominate their environment. But is it possible that we’ve been going about scientific development the wrong way? By examining the elegance and functionality of the world around us, Biocentrics looks at the practice of biomimicry, an innovative strategy that builds knowledge upon the complexities of nature. As we follow biologist Janine Benyus, the film leans into the ways we can learn from wildlife and how that may shape our future.

Directed by Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo, Biocentrics is a fascinating examination into the natural world and our interaction with it. Through his emphasis on design, Figueiredo keeps the focus of his film firmly on its scientific endeavours. As Benyus speaks to the international scientific community, we hear numerous stories of the ways that nature is already beating science at its own game. Whether it’s the functionality of plant life or animal life, Biocentrics recognizes the ways that our environment may already be doing the things we want in even better ways. (After all, “the more time that you spend with the natural world, the more nature becomes your mentor,” we’re reminded.)

But, beneath the scientific arguments lies the recognition of humility. Whereas Biocentrics highlights man’s desire to create, it’s ultimate goal is to remind us that creation itself is the greatest inventor. No matter how many technological advancements man may develop, they still are unable to match the sheer brilliance of the natural world. In this way, the film calls humanity to reorient themselves to what lies around us. Rather than insist that we build based upon our own initiative, Biocentrics suggests that we slow down to listen to the intricate beauty of nature.

If we do that, maybe we’ll learn something.

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Born at a very early age, Steve is a Toronto-based writer and podcaster who loves to listen to what matters to our culture on screen. When he first saw Indiana Jones steal the cross of Coronado, he knew his world would never be the same and, since then, he’s found more and more excuses to digest what’s in front of him onscreen. Also, having worked as a youth and community minister for almost 20 years, he learned that stories help everyone engage the world around them. He’s a proud hubby, father (x2) and believes that Citizen Kane, Batman Forever (yes, the Kilmer one), and The Social Network belong in the same conversation. You can hear his ramblings on ScreenFish Radio wherever podcasts are gettable or at his website,
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