Inside Out 2024: Our Review of ‘A House Is Not A Disco’

Posted in Festival Coverage by - June 01, 2024
Inside Out 2024: Our Review of ‘A House Is Not A Disco’

What does it mean for like minds to see us, and how much of human connection comes from how we can be authentic within our environment and through our experiences? A House is not a Disco depicts the raw and real lives of those within the queer community living and thriving throughout the summer months on the Fire Island Pines. For those who don’t know, one can find Fire Island near the southern side of Long Island. It speaks to how this sanctuary for the LGBTQIA+ community has grown and adapted to the changing world view on queerness, with a focus on the many unique lives of the people coming to this island – both as a space for escapism and authenticity, unlike in the everyday lives of people within these spaces, and as a place for connection to those who relate to these understandings unlike any other. 

Shot as a year-long documentary, it captures discussions of changing viewpoints, understanding queer history. It also captures the long-lasting similarities and differences between the lives of queer people entering this beach town today versus those who first cultivated this place 50 years ago are the basis for the film in its entirety. Also brought into view is the rapidly changing climate and the effects it has on the beaches and sanctity of this sacred space – similar to the AIDS crisis.

This film is the definition of eccentric, outlandish experiences shared by those within the queer community and the power having these safe spaces has on those who struggle with finding that acceptance outside of the island. It is beautiful, provocative, and overall an extremely powerful statement on the power of humans, sexuality, and how together we can create spaces that allow each of us to live authentically and within our divine purpose. 

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Caitie Talty is a teacher in Edmonton, Alberta currently working on her Master's in Educational Studies. As a lover of all things literacy, she is beginning her deep dive into obscure films and texts, and finding new ways to speak her thoughts on both elements into public existence. Outside of building on her film education, she enjoys spending time with her partner, traveling the world, and trying to pet every dog she crosses paths with.
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