TIFF 2024: Our Review of ‘Heretic’

Posted in Festival Coverage, Movies, tiff 2024 by - September 12, 2024
TIFF 2024: Our Review of ‘Heretic’

Hugh Grant has made a career out of playing the lovable goof, while occasionally dabbling in action and thrillers. In his latest film however he tries on a different hat, that of a psychopathic killer, and the result is positively creepy.

Heretic is the story of two young Mormon woman who spends their days going door to door trying to convert people to their faith.  In some cases people request them to show up, such is the case of Mr. Reed (Hugh Grant). From the moment they walk in the door of his residence they can sense something is off, especially with his rhetoric. He’s playing a game with them. And if they hope to survive they have to jump through the hoops he’s placed in front of them.

It’s shocking how well Grant plays a nutjob killer. Even though his performance still has his trademark nervousness, Grant sends chills down your spine. A lot of killers in horror movies tend to be single minded in their goals, which makes the film predictable, but Heretic doesn’t have that problem. You never really know where things are going until the trapped girls understand what is happening to them. The main problem with the film however is it spends a little too much time on the build-up. In other words it needed a little less talk, and a bit more movement.

Horror fans will surely flock to see Heretic. It is unique, fun, and perfect for those looking for few thrills.

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While Roderick has only been writing movie reviews for a relatively short time, he's been a fan of film for as long as he can remember. It's a love affair that started when he saw Star Wars at a drive-in theatre in Kitchener when he was four years old. In the past decade he's fulfilled his dream of interviewing celebrities, attending red carpets events at festivals such as TIFF and writing reviews for outlets such as Realstylenetwork.com. He's always on the hunt for the next big thing to hit the screen.
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