Girls Trip revolves around the reunion of four college girlfriends, known as the Flossy Posse. They have not seen each other in five years; this reunion has to be epic. As such, they all head to New Orleans for the Essence Festival (staged by the magazine of that name) courtesy of bestselling author Ryan (Regina Hall). The other three gal pals include gossip website editor Sasha (Queen Latifah), troublemaker Dina (Tiffany Haddish), and single mother/divorcee Lisa (Jada Pinkett Smith).
After five years, there is plenty to catch up on. You know there will be drama on this trip, you can just tell. Regardless, Dina leads the charge by establishing early on that this trip is all about fun, getting drunk, and getting laid. These women mean business. They are sleazy, raunchy, and more.
The trip starts off with a bang, almost literally, as we learn of a dirty little secret between Ryan and her husband Stewart (Mike Colter). This secret will come to haunt us as the film progresses, but it does not divert us from all the fun, jokes, and laughter that will ensue. The four leading ladies have great chemistry and good comedic timing. Haddish is the stand-out, however, with the raunchiest and best lines, as well as physical comedy moments. Her teaching moment about the ‘Grapefruit technique’ will have everyone howling. Let me also mention the ‘cat fight’, the dance off, and the array of cameos from some of hip hop and RnB’s most recognizable faces — including P. Diddy, Faith, and Neyo.
Amidst the nasty jokes, there is a lot of women bonding time. Ryan realizes no one knows her as well as her Flossy Posse (FP) pals do. Even when she claims women ‘can have it all’, she knows she is not being truthful. Her FP friends will not let her down when she most needs their support, though.
Most of the film is predictable and formulaic, but its outrageous, honest, and raunchy moments save it from getting boring or repetitive. I particularly liked seeing women ‘getting nasty’ and crude. The writing team of Karen McCullah, Tracy Oliver, Kenya Barris, and Erica Rivinoja, created characters that are depictions of women friends we all have. In all female groups, you will find the troublemaker, the mother-like friend, the overachiever, and the big sister. Director Malcolm D. Lee is an obvious choice with this cast of talented and funny women. One can only imagine all the laugh-out-loud moments during the making of this film. Outtakes anyone?
Although I don’t agree with all of the commentary presented in Girls Trip, it still gives the primarily female audience the liberty to laugh, cry, be angry, love themselves and each other. If you’re a prude or not into raunchy comedies, this is not the film for you. If you enjoyed the likes of The Hangover, Bridesmaids, any Tyler Perry film, and even Rough Night, then you’re in for a fun time. Leave all inhibitions (and small children) behind, and enjoy this nasty, sleazy, heck-of-a-fun time.
- Release Date: 7/21/2017